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level: Topic 1 9: Diffusion

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Topic 1 9: Diffusion

What is diffusion?The net movement of particles in a solution or gas from an area of high concentration to low concentration
What is a high concentration in diffusion?an area of where there are more of them
What is the lower concentration in diffusion?It is when there is an area of when there are less of them
What does it mean in diffusion when particles move from an area of high concentration to low concentration?The particles in a high concentration are going to move to where there are less of them until there is an equal distribution of particles (equilibrium)
Give an example of diffusionAir freshner
What can speed up diffusion?Temperature, surface area to volume ratio and concentration gradient
A bottle of toxic has been left upstairs in the corner of the roof to be isolated but wasn't disposed of. If the bottle was opened, how could everyone in the house die?The scented smell would move from an area of high concentration to lower concentration and spread out around the house to where there is less of them.
How could temperature speed up diffusion?The particles are moving because they have kinetic energy and if the temperature increases, they would be moving a lot more vigorously.
Read the information. What is surface area to volume ratio?It is the comparison and relationship between two lengths
How much bigger is the surface area to volume ratio is of the fish than the squid. Use a ruler. Zoom in on the image and give your answer to cm.1.97
What has a bigger surface area, the camel or the ant?The ant
How much bigger is the surface area to volume ratio is of the ant than the camel. The length of the camel's cube is 7cm. Draw cube of the camel if necessary and you won't need to measure the length of the ant. Zoom in on the image.s
If the surface area and the volume was equal for the goat, what would the surface area to volume ratio of the butterfly be? Zoom in on the image.54:27