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level: 29th August

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 29th August

Fİlm izlendi.Movie was watched.
Bulaşıklar yıkandı.Dishes were washed.
Mektup yazıldı.Letter was written.
Kek pişirildi.Cake was baked.
Yemek pişirildi.Meal was cooked.
Araba tamir edildi.Car was repaired.
Elbise satın alındı.Dress was bought.
Ödev yaptım.I did homework
Ödev yapıldı.Homework was done.
Ev inşa edildi.House was built.
Ben odamı boyadım.I paint my room.
Odam boyandı.My room was painted.
Odam Ali tarafından boyandı.My room was painted by Ali
Eğer bir bardak su varsa o (erkek) su içecek.If there is a glass of water, he will drink water.
susadım.I am thirsty.
Susadığımı hissetiğimde bir bardak su içerim.When I feel thirsty I drink a glass of water.
Masanın üzerinde bir bilgisayar var.There is a computer on the table
There is a wooden table.Ahşap bir masa var.
Ahşap masanın üzerinde akıllı telefon ve defter var.There are smartphone and notebook on wooden table.
Akıllı telefonumun markası samsung.My smartphone’s brand is Samsung.
Bence kardeşim aç.I think my brother is hungry.
My computer has many black keys.Bilgisayarım birçok siyah tuşa sahiptir.
There is a keyboard on the computerBilgisayarda siyah bir klavye var.