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level: Ultrastructures

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Ultrastructures

function of smooth/rough endoplasmic reticulumsmooth: lipid, steroid synthesis rough: protein synthesis
define lysosomescontains hydrolytic enzymes to digest unwanted organelles or whole cells when they die
define mitochondriasite of aerobic respiration, where most of the ATP is released
permanent vacuolestorage of water, ions, pigments, and sugars. provides turgidity to cell. pushes chloroplasts to the edge of the cell to perform photosynthesis
chloroplastcontains chlorophyll which is the site of photosynthesis. Light dependent reactions take place in the grana, producing ATP
functions of nucleusContains Nucleolus, nuclear pore, and nuclear envelope contains DNA/chromosomes, which Control protein synthesis Transcription of Genes / production of mRNA
Why is DNA contained in the nucleusprotected from degradation
What does nucleolus domanufactures ribosomal RNA and make subunits of ribosomes
what is nuclear porepassage of large molecules such as mRNA out of the nucleus
antigenscell markers to let other cells know that this cell belongs in the body
visual difference between smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatusSER has connections, Golgi does not Golgi also has Golgi vesicles coming out