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level: Higher Level: Social Issues

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Higher Level: Social Issues

to warnadvertir
disgustasco, el
heart attackataque cardíaco, el
warning, noticeaviso, el
drinking party in the streetbotellón, el
braincerebro, el
to do, to go in for, to devote oneselfdedicar(se)
earachedolor de oídos, el
effortesfuerzo, el
to injure, to harmhacer daño
liverhígado, el
NGO (non-governmental organisation)ONG, la
jointporro, el
first aidprimeros auxilios, los
aim, purpose, objectivepropósito, el
to cause, to provokeprovocar
HIV positiveseropositivo
overweight, obesitysobrepeso, el
withdrawal symptomssíndrome de abstinencia, el
addiction to tobaccotabaquismo, el