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level: Higher Level: Global Issues

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Higher Level: Global Issues

to exhaust, use upagotar
holeagujero, el
to threatenamenazar
to turn off (lights, etc)apagar
to ruin, to destroyarruinar
traffic jamatasco, el
increaseaumento, el
benefitbeneficio, el
global warmingcalentamiento global, el
ozone layercapa de ozono, la
to fight, to combatcombatir
to commitcometer
consumptionconsumo, el
rubbish, wastedesechos, los
inequalitydesigualdad, la
waste, rubbish, squanderingdesperdicio, el
to blameechar la culpa
greenhouse effectefecto invernadero, el
to make dirty, to soil, to make a messensuciar
wrapping, packaging; containerenvase, el
shortage, want, lackescasez, la
to ruin, to spoilestropear
hooligan, lout, troublemakergamberro, el
exhaust fumesgases de escape, los
hurricanehuracán, el
equalityigualdad, la
fireincendio, el
floodinundación, la
acid rainlluvia ácida, la
oil spillmarea negra, la
finemulta, la
oil tankerpetrolero, el
prejudiceprejuicio, el
refuse, waste, rubbishresiduos, los
jungle, tropical forestselva, la
droughtsequía, la
homeless people“sin techo”, los
witnesstestigo, el
rubbish dump, tipvertedero, el