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level: Classification of particles

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level questions: Classification of particles

Fundamental particles that cannot be broken down any further and do not experience the strong nuclear force.Leptons
What is the key difference between leptons and hadrons?Leptons are fundamental particles that do not experience the strong nuclear force, while hadrons are made of quarks and do experience the strong nuclear force.
Particles that are made up of quarks and experience the strong nuclear force. They are divided into baryons, antibaryons, and mesons.Hadrons
What are baryons, antibaryons, and mesons made of?Baryons are made of 3 quarks, antibaryons are made of 3 antiquarks, and mesons are made of a quark and an antiquark.
A property that shows whether a particle is a baryon (1), an antibaryon (-1), or not a baryon (0). Baryon number is always conserved in particle interactions.Baryon Number
What does a baryon number of 1, -1, and 0 represent?1 represents a baryon, -1 represents an antibaryon, and 0 means it is not a baryon.
The only stable baryon. All baryons eventually decay into protons either directly or indirectly.Proton
Which baryon is stable and what happens to other baryons?The proton is the only stable baryon; all other baryons eventually decay into a proton.
A property that shows whether a particle is a lepton (1), an antilepton (-1), or not a lepton (0). Lepton number is always conserved in particle interactions.Lepton Number
What are the possible values of lepton number and what do they indicate?1 for a lepton, -1 for an antilepton, and 0 for non-leptons.
A particle sometimes referred to as a "heavy electron" that decays into an electron.Muon
What happens to a muon after it decays?A muon decays into an electron.
Particles that are produced by the strong nuclear interaction but decay via the weak interaction.Strange Particles
How are strange particles produced and how do they decay?Strange particles are produced by the strong nuclear interaction and decay through the weak interaction.
A property of particles that must be conserved in strong interactions but can change by 0, +1, or -1 in weak interactions.Strangeness
What must happen to strangeness in strong and weak interactions?Strangeness must be conserved in strong interactions, but in weak interactions, it can change by 0, +1, or -1.
A type of strange particle that decays into pions through the weak interaction.Kaons
What do kaons decay into and how?Kaons decay into pions via the weak interaction.
A process where scientists work together internationally, especially in particle physics due to the high cost and large amounts of data produced by particle accelerators.Scientific Collaboration
Why is scientific collaboration important in particle physics?Due to the high cost of building and running particle accelerators and the large amounts of data they produce, international collaboration is essential.
Quarks are fundamental particles that make up hadrons.Quarks
What are quarks?Quarks are fundamental particles which make up hadrons.
There are three types of quarks you need to know: Up (u), Down (d), and Strange (s).Types of Quarks
What types of quarks do you need to know?You need to be aware of three types of quark: up (u), down (d), and strange (s).
Charge: +2/3 e Baryon Number: +1/3 Strangeness: 0Up Quark Properties
What are the properties of the up quark (u)?The up quark (u) has a charge of +2/3 e, a baryon number of +1/3, and strangeness of 0.
Charge: -1/3 e Baryon Number: +1/3 Strangeness: 0Down Quark Properties
What are the properties of the down quark (d)?The down quark (d) has a charge of -1/3 e, a baryon number of +1/3, and strangeness of 0.
Charge: -1/3 e Baryon Number: +1/3 Strangeness: -1Strange Quark Properties
What are the properties of the strange quark (s)?The strange quark (s) has a charge of -1/3 e, a baryon number of +1/3, and strangeness of -1.
Mesons are particles formed from quark combinations.Mesons
Quark combination(s): u-bar(u) or d-bar(d) Charge: 0 Strangeness: 0π⁰ Particle
What is the charge and strangeness of the neutral pion (π⁰)?The neutral pion (π⁰) has a charge of 0 and strangeness of 0.
Quark combination(s): u-bar(d) Charge: +1 Strangeness: 0π⁺ Particle
What is the quark combination for the charged pion (π⁺)?The charged pion (π⁺) has a quark combination of u and bar(d).
Quark combination(s): bar(u)-d Charge: -1 Strangeness: 0π⁻ Particle
What is the quark combination for the charged pion (π⁻)?The charged pion (π⁻) has a quark combination of bar(u) and d.
Quark combination(s): d-bar(s) or bar(d)-s Charge: 0 Strangeness: ±1k⁰ Particle
What is the quark combination for the neutral kaon (k⁰)?The neutral kaon (k⁰) can be a combination of d and bar(s) or bar(d) and s.
Quark combination(s): u-bar(s) Charge: +1 Strangeness: +1k⁺ Particle
What is the quark combination for the charged kaon (k⁺)?The charged kaon (k⁺) has a quark combination of u and bar(s).
Quark combination(s): bar(u)-s Charge: -1 Strangeness: -1k⁻ Particle
What is the quark combination for the charged kaon (k⁻)?The charged kaon (k⁻) has a quark combination of bar(u) and s.
As all baryons decay into protons, a neutron will decay into a proton. The decay of a neutron into a proton can be represented as:  n → p + e⁻ + νeNeutron Decay Equation
What happens to a neutron during decay?A neutron (n) decays into a proton (p), emitting an electron (e⁻) and an electron antineutrino (νₑ). The equation is: n → p + e⁻ + νₑ.