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level: Faults and Folds

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Faults and Folds

What are faults?fractures / discontinuities in a volume of rock
What are folds?Bending or curving of originally flat surfaces
What causes faults and folds?Compression or constriction (compressive forces) -> up heaval or downheaval displacement Extension or stretching (tensional forces) -> pushoffs Shear forces -> horizontal displacement
What are normal faults?downward sinking of a block-> exention/stretching
What is Graben and Horst of a fault zone?Graben: part that sinks Horst: part that is raised up
What are thrust faults?upward lifting of a block from compression -> shortening
What are strike-slip faults?blocks move sideways. From the view of the observer, if the block moves to the right -> dextral ; moves to the left -> sinistral
What are the 2 types of folds?Anticlinal and Synclinal
Describe an Anticline fold.upward convex fold, like an inverted U.
Describe a Syncline fold.downward concave fold, like a U.
How do fault zones affect the construction of tunnels?Fault zones are wear the rock is weak and sometimes here is groundwater flow -> collapse or flooding.
What kind of plate boundary causes normal faults?Divergent plate boundaries
What kind of plate boundary causes Reverse faults and folds?Convergent plate boundaries
What kind of plate boundary causes strike-slip faults?transform plate boundaries.