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level: ROCKS and MINERALS [II]

Questions and Answers List

level questions: ROCKS and MINERALS [II]

What are Sedimentary rocks?The accumulated or deposited minerals, fragments or organic particles that have cemented together on the earth's surface.
Describe the process of forming sedimentary rocks. What is the name of this process?DIAGENESIS (Die-uh-gen-isis) 1) Accumulation 2) Compaction 3) Cementation
What is the difference between Diagenesis and Metamorphism?-Diagenesis: Physical and Chemical change due to water, rock, microbial activity and compaction. (below 300 degrees C) -Metamorphism: Coverge a rock into a rock with different mineral composition, caused by pressure and temperature. (above 300 degrees C)
What are the types of sediments?Aquatic sedimentary rocks Aeolian sedimentary rocks Glacial sedimentary rocks
What are the types of aquatic sedimentary rocks?Fluvial sediments (river) Lacustrine sediments (lake) Marine sediments (sea)
What are some examples of Aeolian sedimentary rocks?dune sand and loess (silt and clay deposits)
>0.002 <0.002 0.06 2 4 60 200 These measurements are in mm. Organize these following sediments by their grainsize from smallest to largest: Cobble, Pebble, Clay, Sand, Silt, Boulder, Granule.Clay <0.002 Silt >0.002 Sand 0.06 Granule 2 Pebble 4 Cobble 60 Boulder 200
What are the types of sedimentary rocks?Clastic sedimentary rock Biochemical sedimentary rock Chemical sedimentary rock
What are the characteristics of Clastic sedimentary rocks?-Caused by erosion, weathering
What are the characteristics of Biochemical sedimentary rocks?-Caused by organisms (DO NOT FORGET ABOUT COAL)
What are the characteristics of Chemical sedimentary rocks?-Caused by large deposits of concentrated chemical compounds (like salt)
What are the characteristics of Clastic sediment?-Contains matrix and clasts, or just matrix -Layered (>1cm layers), laminated (<1cm layers), solid (MUST BE MADE OF INORGANIC ROCKS)
What are the characteristics of Chemical sediment?-Homogeneous, crystalline, banded -Layered, laminated, fibrous (MUST BE MADE OF COMPOUNDS)
How do you refer to the orginal rock before it becomes metamorphic rock?PROTOLITE / PROTOLITH
What are the types of Metamorphic rocks?Contact metamorphism Regional metamorphism
Describe the process of Contact metamorphism.-High temperature, low pressure ("boiled") -Occurs in the rocks around an igneous body in the Earth's interior.
Describe the process of Regional metamorphism.-Low temperature, high pressure ("Compressed") -Occurs during the formation of mountain chains in subduction zones.
What are the 3 changes that Metamorphism can cause in a rock?Recrystallization Metasomatismus [Meta-Somat-tismus] Schistosity or cleavage [Shis-stoh-city]