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level: Geomorphology and Geography

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Geomorphology and Geography

How is flooding mitigated? Name 3 methods.-Structural solutions: dykes, levees, reservoirs -Non-structural solutions: Warning systems, relocation -Ecosystem based approaches: Resoring mangroves and wetlands, forest conservation
Define Geomorphology.The study of the physical features of the earth's surface and their relationship to its geological structures.
Define Geography.The study of the landscape and its relationships with people and the environment.
What landform is at the end of a river?River Delta
What processes lead to the formation of a river landscape?Mountain formation Precipitation Erosion and desposition
What phenomenas are the resultant of Internal grothermal heat (Internal processes)?Plate tectonic movement and earthquakes Formation of mountains and basins Volcanism and geothermal energy
What phenomenas are the resultant of solar action (external processes)?Weathering and erosion Sediment transport Sediment deposition
What are the 3 energy sources for geological processes?Heat Gravity Solar energy
What is the source of Heat for internal process? How is it generated?-Heat from formation of the earth -Heat from the decay of radioactive elements
How does Gravity affect internal processes?-Forms convection currents -> plate tectonics -Controls movement of water from mountains to the sea -Controls the tides
How does solar energy affect internal processes?-Created temperature differences -> atmospheric wind circulation -Drives the water cycle -Drives biological processes
What are the 4 types of landforms?Erosion landforms Deposition landforms Weathered landforms Strucutral landforms
Give 2 examples for Erosion landforms.River gorge Gullies Coastal cliffs
Give 2 examples for Deposition landforms.Meander River delta zone Beaches Coral reefs
What is often found in Erosion Landforms? What are the consequences of this?Slope instabilites. +Ground creep +Landslides +Sludge/debris flow +Stone chips
What are 2 examples of Physical weathering landforms?Rock abrasions and mushroom rocks Rock fragmentations and debris cones
What are 2 examples of Chemical weathering landforms? What are the characterisitcs of each example?Karst landscapes: Sinkholes, saves, underground rivers Badlands: clay-rich rock, severe erosion, many drainage channels
What are 4 examples of Structural landforms? What are their characteristics?-Mesa landforms: Raised flat surface (like small, flat mountain) -Cuesta landforms: Sloping surfaces, tilted (long medium mountain that's tilted slightly) -Hogback landforms: Narrow ridges with steep slope (one side is short and steep, the other is long and not steep) -Complex landforms
What is the Greenhouse Effect?Excess Greenhouse gasses trapped in the atmosphere (methane, carbon dioxide,...) which traps heats -> warmer atmosphere
How does climate change affect the soil?1) -Climate change = extreme weather changes -> Typhoons, Tropical cyclones, etc... -Excessive rainfall -> more pore water pressure -> lower effective soil tension -> instability, dissolution -> collapse --> Landslides, sinkholes,... 2) Climate change = Higher temperature -> more chemical reactions -> thick soil -> less permeability near the top soil layers.
How does climate change affect flooding?More intense precipitation (rain) Changing weather patterns Sea level rise Land degredation and urbanization --> flooding
How is flooding mitigated? Name 3 methods.-Structural solutions: dykes, levees, reservoirs -Non-structural solutions: Warning systems, relocation -Ecosystem based approaches: Resoring mangroves and wetlands, forest conservation