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level: 1. Long-term factors and the creation of the state of Israel

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level questions: 1. Long-term factors and the creation of the state of Israel

When did the British mandate over Palestine officially end?Midnight, May 14, 1948.
What was the Balfour Declaration?A British announcement in 1917 to facilitate the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."
What was the Peel Commission's recommendation in 1936?The partition of Palestine between Arabs and Jews.
Why did the British hand over the Palestine issue to the United Nations?They concluded they could no longer manage Palestine due to escalating conflict.
Who proclaimed the creation of the State of Israel, and when?David Ben-Gurion on May 14, 1948.
Which organizations smuggled Jews into Palestine and fought against the British?The Jewish Agency, the Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi.
What challenges did the new State of Israel face after its creation?Fighting a war of survival with Arab states and absorbing penniless refugees requiring health, social services, and acculturation.
What did the Balfour Declaration of 1917 allow for?The creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Zionism).
Which two countries were given mandates in the Middle East after World War I?Britain and France.
What territories did Britain receive as mandates after World War I?Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq.
What territories did France receive as mandates after World War I?Syria and Lebanon.
What long-term factor contributed to tensions in the Middle East due to divisions within the Arab world?Lack of Arab unity.
Why was the Middle East considered strategically important?Due to its location and control over vital trade routes and resources like oil.
What movement supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine?The Zionist movement.
When did the Zionist movement begin, and what was its goal?In the 19th century, to support the establishment of a Jewish state in the historical land of Israel.
What did the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promise?t supported the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.
Which organization confirmed the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine in 1922?The League of Nations.
What event in 1921 led to a temporary stop to Jewish immigration?The Arab-Jewish riots in Jaffa.
How many Jews were living in Palestine between 1919 and 1929?The number increased from 60,000 to 160,000.
How did Nazi anti-Semitism influence Jewish immigration to Palestine?By 1939, approximately 450,000 Jews had migrated to Palestine, partly due to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933.
What was the Arab Rebellion of 1936-39, and who led it?It was a series of strikes and attacks led by the Arab Higher Committee against Jewish settlements and British forces.
What did the British propose in their 1937 partition plan?The creation of separate Jewish and Palestinian states.
What was the Government White Paper of 1939?It limited Jewish migration to 75,000 over five years and proposed a Palestinian state with joint Jewish/Arab control.
How did the Jewish Agency contribute to the Jewish community during this period?It provided effective leadership for the Jewish minority.
Why was the British government caught in a difficult position during this time?They faced possible Arab violence and accusations from the Jewish community.
What was a key factor in the failure of Arab resistance during this period?Divided Arab leadership, despite the creation of the Arab Higher Committee in 1936.