What is aa development agent | Entitiy or individual responsible for economic growth, investment, or infrastructure, often works with goverment initiatives, and private firms to stimulate progress |
What is the role of business and private sectore in the UN SDGs | They drive innovation, investments, and sustainable economic growth.
- Contribute by adding responsible business practices (Carbon Emissions)
- Ensuring fair labor practices
- sustainable production and consumption
- Chain MGMT and ethical decision making
- Leverage technology to enhance efficiency and minimize enviromental impact |
Anthropocene | We are currently living in this area
- it is where the enviroment we now live in is highly impacted by humans and the decisions we make |
Climate Change | significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over time |
What is greenhouse effect? | Process where thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by the atmosphere and is re-radiated in all directions
- results in an elevation of average surface tempature |
What human processes contribute to climate change (4) | - Fossil fuel combustion
- intensified agriculture production
- release chemicals causing depletion of the oznone layer
- carbon sink depletion |
Impacts of climate change (5) | - increase intensity and frequency of extreme weather events
- transofrmation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems
- failure of crops and threats to food supplies
- forced migration
- heightened regional and geopolitcal conflicts |
Relationship between Business and Climate change (4) | - producer
- innovator
- employer
- corporate citizen |
Relationship between Business and Climate change (producer) | - major producers of greenhouse gas emmisions |
Relationship between Business and Climate change (Innovator) | - opportunity for business to develop new goods and services, and methods of operations to reduce GHG emmisions, minimzie costs, and gain competative advantage for low carbon |
Relationship between Business and Climate change (Employer) | - ongoing war for talent can be endarged if company brand is tarnished for being polluter
- Positive corporate culture can improve retention
- creation of new jobs such as environmental managers and sustainability managers |
Relationship between Business and Climate change (Corporate citizens) | - business play major role in supplying social services and providing physical and economic infrastructure
- cocntribute to solving social and political problems |
What is Scope 1 emissions | Direct on site emissions |
What is Scope 2 emissions | indiret on site emissions |
What is Scope 3 emissions | upstream and downstream emissions in the value chain, outside companies operations |
Explain the shower tub analogy | GHG emissions are growing at a rate faster than the earth can absorb them
- we need to limit the flow of these so that the unabsorbed portions do not end up in the earths atmosphere
- find alternative non carbon solutions |
what are the 4 key elements of the emerging "climate economy" | 1 carbon efficiency
2 non-carbon soruces of energy
3 carbon capture, storage, and alternative use technologies
4 carbon pricing 5 carbon |
What is carbon capture and storage | CO2 is seperated & captured, and transported underground for storage to isolate it from the atmosphere.Can be utilized in the production of consumer goods |
What is Carbon Pricing | placing a fee on carbon emmissions, gives an incentive for emmiting less |
Who Made greenwashing and what is it | Jay westerveld
- disinformation produced by a company to produce an environmentally responsible public image |
Well intentioned greenwashing | Takes action on climate change but elects to do something ineffective, doesn't realize action has little consequences |
Obfuscation | Acompany uses red herrings to draw attention away from how little it is actually doing for the climate "net zero target date far in the future" |
Pseudoscience | a company uses unfamiliar terminology lacking meaning |
unprovable | a company makes a claim that cannot be verified |
4 ways to distinguish climate action from greenwashing | 1 tracking and disclosure of emmsions
2 setting emission reduction targets
3 reducing emissions
4 climate contributions (financial support) |
What is environmental racism | discrimination in environmental policy making, the deliberate targeting of communities of colour for toxic wast facility, history oe excluding people of color from ecology movements |
Ecological Unequal Exchange | the concept that explain how rich countries benefit from using up the natural resources of poorer countries |
Environmental cost shifting | Rich countries take resources from poorer countries, byut they dont deal with the pollution or damage |
Appropriation of Enviromental space | wealthy countries use more than their fair share of natures resources and limits how much poorer countries can use |
Process of underdevelopment | export raw material for cheap trapping poorer countries in a cycle where they are dependent on cheap resources |