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level: Simple Past Tense Verbos Iniciales P02

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Simple Past Tense Verbos Iniciales P02

you paid (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)pagaste
you tried (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)probaste
you wanted (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'Q'?)quisiste
you registered (What is the 11-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)registraste
you repeated (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)repetiste
you took out (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sacaste
you felt (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sentiste
you was (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fuiste
you had (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'T'?)tuviste
you saw (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)viste
you lived (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)viviste
you got back (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)volviste
he/she/it learnt (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'A'?)aprendió
he/she/it drank (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'B'?)bebió
he/she/it fell (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cayó
he/she/it changed (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cambió
he/she/it dug (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cavó
he/she/it ate (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)comió
he/she/it bought (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)compró
he/she/it ran (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)corrió
he/she/it said (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dijo
he/she/it slept (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)durmió
he/she/it got sick (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enfermó
he/she/it sent (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)envió
he/she/it wrote (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)escribió
he/she/it was (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estuvo
he/she/it studied (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estudió
he/she/it liked (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'G'?)gustó
he/she/it spoke (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'H'?)habló
he/she/it went (What is the 3-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fue
he/she/it called (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llamó
he/she/it arrived (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llegó
he/she/it chewed (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)masticó
he/she/it watched (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)miró
he/she/it got (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'O'?)obtuvo
he/she/it paid (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)pagó
he/she/it tried (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)probó
he/she/it wanted (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'Q'?)quiso
he/she/it registered (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)registró
he/she/it repeated (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)repitió
he/she/it took out (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sacó
he/she/it felt (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sintió
he/she/it was (What is the 3-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fue
he/she/it had (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'T'?)tuvo
he/she/it saw (What is the 3-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vio
he/she/it lived (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vivió
he/she/it got back (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)volvió
we learnt (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'A'?)aprendimos
we drank (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'B'?)bebimos
we fell (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)caímos
we changed (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cambiamos
we dug (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cavamos
we ate (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)comimos
we bought (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)compramos
we ran (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)corrimos
we said (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dijimos
we slept (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dormimos
we got sick (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enfermamos