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level: Simple Past Tense Verbos Iniciales P03

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Simple Past Tense Verbos Iniciales P03

we sent (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enviamos
we wrote (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)escribimos
we were (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estuvimos
we studied (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estudiamos
we liked (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'G'?)gustamos
we spoke (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'H'?)hablamos
we went (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fuimos
we called (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llamamos
we arrived (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llegamos
we chewed (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)masticamos
we watched (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)miramos
we got (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'O'?)obtuvimos
we paid (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)pagamos
we tried (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)probamos
we wanted (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'Q'?)quisimos
we registered (What is the 11-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)registramos
we repeated (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)repetimos
we took out (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sacamos
we felt (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sentimos
we had (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'T'?)tuvimos
we saw (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vimos
we lived (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vivimos
we got back (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)volvimos
they learnt (What is the 11-letters verb that starts with 'A'?)aprendieron
they drank (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'B'?)bebieron
they fell (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cayeron
they changed (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cambiaron
they dug (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cavaron
they ate (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)comieron
they bought (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)compraron
they ran (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)corrieron
they said (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dijeron
they slept (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)durmieron
they got sick (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enfermaron
they sent (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enviaron
they wrote (What is the 11-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)escribieron
they were (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estuvieron
they studied (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estudiaron
they liked (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'G'?)gustaron
they spoke (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'H'?)hablaron
they went (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fueron
they called (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llamaron
they arrived (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llegaron
they chewed (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)masticaron
they watched (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)miraron
they got (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'O'?)obtuvieron
they paid (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)pagaron
they tried (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)probaron
they wanted (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'Q'?)quisieron
they registered (What is the 11-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)registraron
they repeated (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)repitieron
they took out (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sacaron
they felt (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sintieron
they were (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fueron
they had (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'T'?)tuvieron
they saw (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vieron
they lived (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vivieron
they got back (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)volvieron