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Questions and Answers List

Pre-Film study

level questions: Level 1

What are the names of the three girls?Molly Craig, Gracie Fields & Daisy Craig.
Who is the main antagonist?A.O Neville
What is Assimilation?The taking of a minority group, and absorbing them into a larger group.
What are the stolen generations?Aboriginal children who were taken from their parents, and put in settlement camps, to teach them to live like the Europeans, and be prepared to work as farmhands, or domestic helpers.
How many Noongar groups are in WA?14
What is the movie based on?Based on the true story of three Indigenous Australian girls, Molly Craig, Gracie Fields, and Daisy Karnpill Craig, who were forcibly taken from their families in Jigalong, Western Australia, in 1931.
Who is the author of the original book?The author of the original Rabbit Proof Fence Book, was Doris Pilkington Garimara, Molly Craig's daughter.
What was A.O Neville?A.O Neville was the Chief Protector from 1915-1936, and became the legal guardian of all Aboriginal children under the age of 16.
What is a 'half caste'?Half Caste: Someone who is mixed heritage (half white and half Aborigine).
What is the Perth Noongar group?Perth group are the Wadjuk
Where was WA main settlement?Western Australia's main settlement was in Moore River
What does the film show?Film shows the escape of the girls, and how they traveled over 1500 miles along a rabbit proof fence, to get home, led only by 14 year old Molly
How old was Molly14
How old was Gracie?10
How old was Daisy?8
Where does the Rabbit-Proof fence start and end?The actual rabbit proof fence goes from Port Hedland to Esperance.
How far did the girls walk?They walked 1500 miles (2414 km)
How long has the Australian Aboriginal culture existed for?It has existed for over 50 000 years.
What is an Aborigine?Someone who identifies as an Aboriginal Australian.
What were Europeans allowed to do from 1910-19701910-1970 Europeans were allowed to shoot and kill Aboriginal adults