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Chapter 1
level: Quizzes
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Quizzes
This type of muscle blends into tendinous insertions that attach to bones, pulling them, which produces the desired movement.
Skeletal muscle
Muscles are connected to bones by what?
Bodybuilders practice "muscle confusion" because:
Not all motor units are activated in a movement
What factor does not induce muscle hypertrophy?
Caloric restriction
What muscle fibers are recruited first in any given movement?
Slow twitch
What type of muscle fibers is highly resistant to fatigue?
Slow twitch
When a prime mover muscle contracts, the opposing muscle relaxes. This is known as:
Reciprocal innervation
Which plane divides the body into right and left portions?
Sagittal plane
Which plane of motion does hip abduction occur in?
Frontal plane
During a biceps curl, the triceps acts as a(n) ___________
The mechanical advantage of a muscle is greatest when the angle of pull is:
90 degrees
The biceps curl is an example of which type of lever?
Third-class lever
Front squats put a special emphasis on which of the following?
What angle seems to be most effective for decline bench presses?
20-25 degrees
The conventional deadlift variation will be of greater benefit to most bodybuilders.
Incline presses show greater activation than flat bench presses do in the upper pectoral region.
This squatting variation was introduced to readers by John McCallum in a 1970 Strength and Health magazine:
Dip belt squat
Which type of strength is the foundation for all athletic endeavors?
Limit strength
What squatting variation has shown the greatest EMG activity in the glutes?
Zercher squats
Isolation exercises
__________ are needed for supernatural development in certain areas and to bring up weaknesses through the overload principle of isolation.
Which repetition range has generally been shown to produce the greatest level of muscle hypertrophy?
6-15 repetitions
____________ is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced during voluntary contractions by skeletal muscles.
___________ is the weight lifted, multiplied by the distance it is lifted, multiplied by the number of repetitions.
Mechanical work
Which intensity range has generally been shown to produce the greatest level of muscle hypertrophy?
65%-85% 1RM
Using bands in a reverse fashion is known as?
Lightened method
When it comes to the strength, curve bands and chains improve?
All 7 distinct features
What is the additional band/chain weight recommendation on core lifts?
10% to 25% extra
Bands and chains have allowed some lifters with shoulders injuries to bench press again?
3 weeks
Reverse bands can offer the benefits of a compound movement while overloading individual muscles in compliance with the principle of isolation.
The CNS is affected by high-intensity interval training and takes at least how long to recover?
48 hours
What type of interval conditioning consists of sled drags, farmer's walks, and tire flips?
How many calories can kettlebells burn per hour?
Jump rope is an effective method of interval conditioning.
When excessive tension develops in the muscle, the _______________ causes the motor cortex of the brain to terminate muscle contraction and relax.
Golgi tendon organ
Chronically performing exercises through a limited range of motion has what effect:
Decreases flexibility
_________________ is actually a specialized muscle fiber that detects excessive stretch within the muscle.
Muscle spindle
The most accurate body composition assessment is:
DEXA scan
The easiest and most reliable method for testing limit strength is:
How are athletes' strength levels across weight classes compared in powerlifting?
Wilks formula
A bodybuilder with 17.5-inch arms might appear to have bigger arms than would a bodybuilder with 19-inch arms if the first athlete's biceps has a better shape when he hits a front dumbbell bicep pose.
What type of periodization starts with high intensity and low volume and progresses to higher volume and lower intensity?
Reverse linear
What type of periodization could be called "Focused Training"?
What type of periodization is based on the athlete's readiness?
Flexible non-linear
What type of hypertrophy is an increase in the noncontractile element of the muscle?
Training with maximal intensity and low repetitions in the 1-5 rep range with greater than 85 percent of a one-repetition max causes what type of hypertrophy?
Performing dips with a forward lean and elbows out will place more stress on the pecs than a more upright posture will. This statement is:
An example of an origin/insertion superset is:
Chin-up/incline dumbbell curl
What method of training breaks down one set into several mini-sets with a brief rest between each?
Rest-pause training
When heavy compound movement is performed first in the workout and the isolation movements are performed later in the workout, this is called:
Post-exhaustion training
Another name for German volume training is this:
10-set Method
The "Cheating Technique" correctly applied is:
An advanced bodybuilding technique that should be used sparingly
Performing reps at a specific cadence is known as:
Tempo training
An easier "poor man's" version of PHA training is:
Circuit training
Soy protein has been shown to do which of the following?
Lower testosterone levels
A lower glycemic index produces:
A slower insulin response
How much more protein should vegan athletes eat compared with ones following an animal-based protein diet?
Fat consumption should be what percentage of a bodybuilder's diet?
What type of fats should be avoided?
Trans Fatty Acids
What is the minimum amount of fluid that should be consumed 2 hours before training in a hot gym?
16 ounces
___________ are substances that protect against free radicals.
What is an example of a toxic oral steroid?
Medically, HGH is used to treat____.
Growth disorders in children
What reason would a bodybuilder use clenbuterol?
Fat loss
When was ephedrine first synthesized?
Which substance has research shown to enhance recovery from exercise, increase exercise intensity, and increase satellite proliferation?
Creatine monohydrate
Stressors are?
An accumulation of all life's events
Genetics play a role in recovery.
A deload phase allows for restoration and reparation of:
Connective tissue, muscle and CNS
Deload workouts should serve as:
Technique workouts
An example of an active recovery day after training heavy squats is:
Light sled drags
Reps in a bodybuilding deload workout should be:
Done in a peak contraction style
What is the name of the lower back condition injury that is a narrowing of the spinal canal?
What movement can have a direct adverse effect on elbow pain?
Squats with narrow hand placement
How many muscles anchor themselves to the scapulothoracic joint?
The bodybuilder can integrate elementary agility drills and integrate low-level plyometrics to enhance athleticism
In bodybuilding, the most grueling part of the sport is?
The contest and diet
Which of these is an example of associating sacrifice with success?
Envisioning the success achieved from diet and training
In a state of mindfulness one is:
Aware of all that surrounds oneself
Presenting the creative mechanism with positive goals does what?
Turns on the success mechanism
Science has shown that people who imagine movements ahead of time do what?
Perform them better
Visualizations should be:
As detailed as possible
The human nervous system cannot tell the difference between real and imagined experiences