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level: Level 19

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 19

contrast, comparison対比
greater, fairly, a good deal大部
opposite side対辺
expectant waiting待望
negligence, procrastination, carelessness怠慢
interview, meeting対面
confrontation, opposition対立
physical strength体力
interactive, interaction, conversation対話
to bear, to endure耐える
to die out, to peter out, to become extinct絶える
to bear, to put up with, to support堪える
quantity, amount, volume
to rise, to swell, to be promoted高まる
open fire焚火
many, a lot, much沢山
burly, strong, sturdy逞しい
skill, cleverness巧み
a kind
height, stature, length
majority rule多数決
to participate, to take part携わる
to drift about, to float, to hang in air漂う
mansion, small castle
dancing geisha立方
at once, in a moment, suddenly忽ち
to stop by, to drop in for a short visit立ち寄る
skillful, in good health達者
precious, valuable, priceless尊い
precious, valuable, priceless貴い
to value, to prize, to esteem尊ぶ
to sever, to cut off, to suppress絶つ
shield, pretext
face, official stance, public position or attitude建前
to offer, to present, to revere奉る
even if, if, though, although例え
even if, if, though, although仮令
transitive verb他動詞
to grope along to, to struggle on to辿り着く
to follow, to pursue, to follow up辿る
the palm
to enjoy oneself楽しむ
request, favor, reliance, dependence頼み
tobacco, cigarettes煙草
often, repeatedly, frequently度々
another side, different direction他方
busy, pressure of work多忙
to receive, to grant給う
occasionally, once in a while偶に
intolerable, unbearable, unendurable堪らない
collected things, gathering place溜まり
to grant, to bestow賜る
instance, example, case
to hesitate躊躇う
to keep, to preserve, to hold保つ
easy, simple, light容易い
diversity, variety多様
slack, slackening, dullness弛み
to slacken, to loosen, to relax弛む
adjectival suffix for a person
to hang, to lower, to pull down垂れる
grief, sigh, lamentation
.245 acres, 300 tsubo
single, simple, sole単一
tanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem短歌
stretcher, litter担架
quick temper短気
exploration, expedition探検
shortening, abbreviation, reduction短縮
chest of drawers箪笥
carbon (C)炭素
junior college短大
monotony, monotone, dullness単調
sole, independence, single単独
short wave短波
first, foremost第一
bold, daring, audacious大胆
mess, spoiled, come to nothing台無し
feces, excrement, ****大便
act for another, speak for another代弁
libretto, scenario台本
break in the deadlock打開
compromise, giving in妥協
only, just, as
blow, shock, batting打撃
poor work, rubbish駄作
to escape from, to get out脱する
to trick, to cheat, to deceive騙す
sluggish, feel heavy, languid, dull怠い
platform, podium, arch mandala
unity, union, combination団結