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level: Level 29

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level questions: Level 29

pastor, minister, clergyman牧師
alma mater母校
son of others坊ちゃん
ruin, fall, collapse没落
rag, scrap, defect藍褸
counter for flat objects
buried property, treasure trove埋蔵
to dance, to flutter about, to revolve舞う
just above, right overhead真上
advance sale, booking前売り
preface, introduction前置き
in advance, beforehand, previously前もって
to entrust, to leave to a person任す
to defeat負かす
to give board to, to provide meals賄う
to turn, to bend曲がる
confusing, misleading, ambiguous紛らわしい
to be diverted, to slip into紛れる
membrane, film
to indicate reckless abandon to the activity捲る
sincerity, devotion真心
truth, faith, sincerity, trust
truly, actually, really真に
surely, no doubt, evidently正しく
correctly, surely正に
to excel, to surpass, to outrival勝る
extra, additional, better, preferable増し
right under, directly below真下
still more, to say nothing of, not to mention況して
to mix, to converse with交える
to cross, to intersect交わる
increasingly, more and more益々
ugly, unskilful, awkward不味い
groin, crotch, thigh
to extend over or into, to straddle跨がる
to straddle跨ぐ
wink, twinkling of stars, flicker of light瞬き
to make a mistake, to be incorrect間違う
looking forward to待ち遠しい
to look anxiously for, to wait eagerly for待ち望む
several, various, trivial区々
closing years, last stage末期
in two equal parts真っ二つ
mark, target
conclusion, settlement, consistency纏まり
settlement, conclusion纏め
to escape from, to be rescued from免れる
paralysis, palsy, numbness麻痺
dazzling, radiant眩しい
occasionally, frequently間々
soon, before long, in a short time間もなく
in its entirety, whole, wholly丸ごと
completely, perfectly, just as if丸っきり
quite, entirely, at all丸で
to make round, to round off丸める
full moon満月
unanimous, whole audience満場
middle, centre, mid-way真ん中
right in front, under the nose真ん前
perfectly circular真ん丸い
formal marriage interview見合い
to exchange glances, to postpone見合わせる
to overlook, to fail to notice見落とす
savage land, backward region未開
taste, palate, sense of taste味覚
to notice, to catch sight of見掛ける
new moon, crescent moon三日月
unsightly, ugly見苦しい
hope, prospects, expectation見込み
inexperience, unripeness, raw未熟
particle, atom微塵
shabby, seedy見すぼらしい
to show off, to flaunt見せびらかす
show, exhibition見せ物
to satisfy, to fill, to fulfill満たす
to throw out of order, to disturb乱す
to get confused, to be disordered乱れる
not yet known未知
to be guided, to be shown導く
near oneself, close to one, familiar身近
crowd, close formation, dense密集
related, connected, close, intimate密接
shameful, indecent見っともない
nectar, honey
estimation, quotation見積り
not yet fixed, undecided, pending未定