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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

dress, clothing, garment OR rolela veste
tie, lace up OR strike up, develop (a friendship) OR connect, plug in (electrical appliance)allacciare
handle, deal withsbrigare
hurry, get movingsbrigarsi
tights, long johnscalzamaglia
sting, bite OR offendpungere
the thighla coscia
mitten OR junction box (electric wiring)muffola
pursue, chase, to be hot on somebody's heels OR press, urge (fig)incalzare
to swallow (sth)ingoiare
to gulp downingurgitare
stud, sprinklecostellare
roll up, wind up OR envelop, cover, wrapavvolgere
collapse, crumble, give way OR sink, fall intosprofondare
pin, broochspilla
small plate, diskpiattello
grab, snatch, seizeacchiappare
bundle up, wrap up, cover upimbacuccare
to contract, make numbrattrappire
uniform OR currencydivisa
anchor, fasten, attachancorare
grasp, cling toancorarsi
hanging, danglinga penzoloni
to dangle, hangpenzolare
least of all, much less, let alonemen che meno
worse than mediocremen che mediocre
nook, corner OR almond biscuitcantuccio
stay quietly in a cornerstarsene in un cantuccio
sing softly (under your breath)canticchiare
clump OR sugar cube OR lithospheric plate (underground)zolla
pin, tack, thumbtackuno spillo (masc)
iota, pinch (fig)uno spillo (fem)
stick, jab, pokeconficcare
stabbing pain, stitch, crampuna fitta
to shell OR escape, wriggle out ofsgusciare
to escape from the clutchessgusciare fra le maglie
grape, beadacino
squeeze, squashspremere
to rack one's brainsspremersi
unhook OR cough up (fig)sganciare
to free yourself of (sb)sganciarsi
aside, to the side, out of the waydisparte
to accumulate, hoard, heap, pile upammucchiare
warmth, cosinesstepore
melt, melt downsquagliare
big stain, big spotchiazza
spray, spurtspruzzo
chase again from, push back, drive backricacciare
become caught up againricacciarsi
perfectly on timespaccare il minuto
to break (sb's) heartspaccare il cuore a
slope, incline, declinependio
to nuzzle, settle OR nestle, nestannidarsi
crotch (of a garment)cavallo, inforcatura
as best you can, rough and ready, on a wing and a prayeralla bell'e meglio
mess, shambles, poulticeimpiastro
trickle, drizzle, dribblecolare
to fog, fog upappanare
to stain, soil, dirtyimbrattare
to dirty or soilimpiastricciare
mucus, snot, bogeymoccio
the mountain, mount, totalil monte
rotate, turn, revolveruotare
wild beast, ogre, brutebelva
a crease, wrinkleuna grinza
it makes sensenon fa una grinza
fibula (calf bone)il perone
bundle up, cover up, wrap upimbacuccare
outline, template, contour, shape, size, profile, target, silhouettesagoma
character, card (fig)sagoma (fig)
mash, mash upspiaccicare
an avalanche chute (a gully)un canalone
to swallow (lit)inghiottire (lit)
to swallow, endure, suck up (fig)inghiottire (fig)
to freezeassiderare
kick the bucket, bite the dusttirare le cuoia
hibernation (in animals)il letargo
hibernation (fig) (inattivita, inerzia)la letargo
combine OR arrange, set OR conclude, finish OR coincide, correspondcombinare
wheel, disk, ring OR walker (for children) OR merry go roundil girello
procure, obtain OR provoke, causeprocurare
sink, go under, plungeaffondare
detach, peel off OR utterspiccicare