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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

cellfundamental structural and functional unit of life
Matthias schneidenGerman Botanist
Theodore SchwannBritish Zoologist
Matthias schneiden year1838
Theodore Schwann YEAR1839
Rudolf Virchow YEAR1855
pre existing cellsomnis cellula-e cellula
one of Smallest cellsMycoplasma
Mycoplasma size0.3um
largest isolated single cellostrich
red blood cells size7um
longest cellnerve cell
shape of cell varies withfunction
RBCround and biconcave
columnar epithelial cellslong and narrow
tracheidlong and narrow
mesophyll cellsround and oval
nerve cellbranched and long
typical eukaryotic cell size10-20um
virus size0.02-0.2um
smallest cellpplo
pplo size0.1um
size of ribosome15nm to 20nm
inclusion bodies egphosphate- granules, cyanophycean granules, glycogen granules
where are gas vacuoles foundblue -green, purple, and green photosynthetic bacteria
eukaryotesprotists, plants, animals, fungi
compartmentalisation of cytoplasmmembrane system
nucleus in eukaryotesorganised nucleus with nuclear envelope
non living rigid structure in plants, fungi, prokaryotescell wall
algae cell wall compositioncellulose, galactans, mannans, calcium carbonate
other plants cell wallcellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, proteins
Who first observed GolgiCamillo Golgi (1898)
densely stained reticular structures, with flat disc -shaped stacks or cisternae placed parallelGolgi
cisternae diameter0.5 to 1um
lysosomemembrane bound vesicular structures formed buy the packaging process in Golgi
membrane bound sacs in cytoplasmVacuoles
vacuoles havesap, excretory product and useless products
vacuole bound by single membrancetonoplast
vacuole volume in plant cell90%
contractile vacuole in amoebaosmoregulation and excretion
food vacuolesphagocytosis of food
not easily visible under microscopemitochondrion
no of mitochondrion depends onphysiology of cell
diameter of mito0.2-1.0um
length of mito1-4.1um
Site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipdsGolgi
amyloplastsstore carbohydrates(potato)
elaioplastsstore oils and fats
aleuroplastsstore proteins
chloroplasts shapelens-shaped
length of chloroplasts5-10um
chlamydomonas has how many chloroplasts1/cell
green alga has how many chloroplasts20-40 per cell
ribosomesgranular structures
ribosomes first observed byGeorge Palade(1953)
Eukaryotic ribosomes60s+40s=80s
prokaryotic ribosomes50s+30s=70s
Nucleus first discoveredRobert Brown, 1831
What was material of nucleus stained by dye calledChromatin (by Flemming)
interphase NUCLEUSnucleus of a cell when it isn't dividing
metacentric chromosomeMIDDLE CENTROMERE from two equal arms of chromosome
sub metacentric chromosomecentromere slightly away from the middle of chromosome, resulting in one slightly longer arm and one slightly shorter arm
acrocentric chromosomecentromere situated very close to its end forming one extremely short and one extremely long arm
telocentric chromosomechromosome is present at the terminal end
satellitenon staining secondary constrictions at constant location.