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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

the butterfliesle farfalle
the butterflyla farfalla
the insectl'insetto
the dogil cane
the catil gatto
the birdl'uccello
the mouseil topo
the ratil ratto
the horseil cavallo
the animall'animale
the antla formica
the spideril ragno
the bearl'orso
the polar bearl'orso polare
the cowla mucca
the dolphinil dolfino
the beel'ape
the lionil leone
the sharklo squalo
the elephantl'elefante
the flyla mosca
the duckl'anatra
the snakeil serpente
the bullil toro
the penguinil pinguino
the wolfil lupo
the turtlela tartaruga
the whalela balena
the tigerla tigre
the sheepla pecora
the henla gallina
the chickil pulcino
the pigil maiale
the eaglel'aquila
the goosel'oca
the frogla rana
the deeril cervo
the owlil gufo
the caterpillaril bruco
the swanil cigno
the foxla volpe
the giraffela giraffa
the raccoonil procione
the lady bugla coccinella
the hippol'ippopotamo
the rhinoil rinoceronte
the squirrello scoiattolo
the batil pipistrello
the parrotil pappagallo
the canaryil canarino
the camelil cammello
the pigeonil piccione
the peacockil pavone
the goatla capra