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level: BLOOD

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level questions: BLOOD

Bone marrow of the axial skeletonhematopoiesis
All blood cells are generated hereRed blood marrow
Stem cells in bone marrow, can differentiate- become any formed elementHemocytoblast
formation of red blood cells (in red bone marrow)Erythropoiesis
Can reproduce new cells, can’t repair themselves, exposed to a lot of damage, short life spans; so important to keep making new ones!Red blood cells
a glycoprotein secreted by the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells when the kidneys sense there are low oxygen levels, it goes to red bone marrow and tells the hemocytoblasts to become red blood cellserythropoietin
Why would there be low O2 levels?Not enough r.b. cells because bleeding
Responsible for checking r. b. cells for damage, if finds any, destroys them so we don’t have damaged cells ; called the “r.b. cell graveyard”Spleen
Disorders of r.b. cellsAnemia (not enough rb cells)
Is a red blood cell disease, recessive geneSickle cell anemia
Hereditary bleeding disorder, missing a protein needed in clotting cascade(process) to uncap fibrinHemophilia
Blood- transports:Waste, nutrients, O2,CO2, hormones
Blood - regulates:Body temp
Blood - protects:prevents infection
Blood is made of:Plasma, erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes
Red blood cellsErythrocytes
White blood cellsLeukocytes
Had to be formed by red bone marrow, not just absorbed/ liquid ( ex: erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes)Formed elements
Liquid portion of blood, mostly made of water, has solutes: ions, nutrients, gasses, hormones ,everything we transportPlasma
Floating in plasma, not taken in by/part of any cell, functions on its ownPlasma proteins
Plasma proteinsAlbumin, globulins, fibrinogen
Most abundant plasma protein, responsible for osmotic pressure (how much water in/out of cell, etc.)Albumin
There are three types: alpha-, beta- , and gamma -. They’re antibodies, transport ions and vitaminsGlobulins
Responsible for clotting ( plasma protein)Fibrinogen
Red blood cells, have small indentation on both sides, no nucleus or other organelles (bag of hemoglobin)Erythrocytes
Function of erythrocytesTransport O2 and CO2
No organelles in rb cells: what are the pros?Needs less energy
No organelles in rib cells: what are the cons?No repair=> no mitosis (only red bone marrow can replace
Protein, has four polypeptides chains - each has one gene group, so 4 O2 per hemoglobinhemoglobin
When deoxygenated, is dark red, when oxygenated, is bright redHemoglobin
White blood cells and lymphatic system make the immune system, which finds and destroys pathogensleukocytes
Leukocytes can leave the blood to find pathogens: the process of them leaving is called :diapedesis
LeukocyteS, have multi- lobe nucleus, are granulocytes, are phagocytes (eat and destroy pathogens)Neutrophil
Leukocytes; big, round nucleus; is an agranulated (no granules) ;produce antibodies (very important to the immune system)Lymphocyte
Leukocyte, have kidney shaped nucleus, is an agranulocyte, when leaves blood cells is called Macrophagesmonocyte
Leukocytes,Are granulocytes- have pink granuoles; are responsible for tracking/ destroying parasitesEosinophil
a leukocyte, has blue granuoles (are granulocytes), produce heperine and histamineBasophil
Prevents blood clottingheparin
Responsible for allergic reactionHistamine