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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

adherens junctions transmembrane proteinsCadherin
desmosome transmembrane proteincadherin
focal adhesion transmembrane proteinintegrins
hemidesmosome transmembrane proteinintegrins
Gap Junction transmembrane proteinconnexins
Tight Junction Transmembrane proteinclaudin, occludin
Adherens junctions adaptersp120, alpha and beta catenin, vanculin
Desmosome Adapterplaquin
Focal Adhesion adaptertalin, kidlin, vinculin
hemidesmosome adapterplectin
Adherens junctions cytoskeletal elementactin
desmosomes cytoskeletal elementintermediate filament
focal adhesion cytoskeletal elementactin
hemidesmosome cytoskeletal elementintermediate filament
Adherens junctions purposecell-cell adhesion
desmosome purposecell-cell adhesion
focal adhesioncell-ECM adhesion
hemidesmosome purposecell-ECM adhesion
gap junction purposeallow movement between cells
tight junction purposeprevent movement between cells
myosin (I) structure (3)plus, nonprocessive, 1 head
myosin (II) structure (3)plus, nonprocessive, 2 heads
myosin (V) structure (3)plus, processive, 2 heads
myosin (VI) structure (3)minus, processive, 2 heads
kinesin structure (3)plus ended, processive, 2 heads similar to actin
dynein structureminus ended, processive, 2 heads, stalk, neck, tail
myosin ATP bindingrelease from actin
myosin ATP hydrolysiscock head
myosin ADP releasebind and power stroke
kinesin ATP bindingpower stroke and cocking
kinesin ATP hydrolysisrelease from microtubule
kinesin ADP releasecaused by binding
Dynein ATP bindingrelease and extension
Dynein ATP hydrolysisbinding and power stroke
Cap Zbinds plus end of actin, prevents addition
Tropomodulinbinds minus end, prevents removal
Tropomyosinstabilizes actin fibers
Cofilinforces actin fiber breakdown
Thymosinbinds actin monomer, prevents addition
profilinbinds actin monomer increasing addition
G-actinmonomer for actin
F-actinpolymer for actin
forminworks with profilin, stabilizes G-actin, increases addition
microtubule monomersalpha and beta tubulin
gamma tubulinremoves nucleation, place for dimers to add to
Microtubule GTPasebeta tubulin
Kinesin-13slows addition, enduces catastrophe, destabilization of protofillament
XMAP215increases growth, slows catastrophe, stabilization of protofillament
Cillia/Flagellamicrotubules 9+2
centriolesmicrotubules 9+0
microtubule protofillaments per tubule13
Keratin (I& II)acid and base, give strength to epithelium, provide structure for hair, fingernails, scales
Vimentin III)widely expressed, creates junctions with other cells, involved in cell signalling
Neurofilaments (IV)help axon grow and strengthen it
Lamins (V)in nucleus, can make a meshwork
Nestin (VI)in axons, regulate axon width