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PHAM01 Commonly Rx Drugs

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Erythromycin: -Class (others in class) -Indication -Side effects -Enzyme Inhibitor -Interactions

Author: Rajinder Kaur


-Macrolide antibiotic (Azithromycin & clarithromycin) -Alternative in peneicillin allergic patients -Nausea, vomiting & diarrhoea -Important drug interactions (theophylline- avoid conmitant use with simvastain- increased myopathy risk) -Carbamazepine (macrolides can raise plasma carbamzepine levels) -Drugs that prolong QT interval (Antiarrhythmics, antipsychotics & TCAs) Methadone -Drugs that cause hypokaelamia (diuretics, corticosteroids & SAB2A)- hypokaelamia is a risk factor for QT interval prolongation -Statins- increased risk of myopathy (cyp450 & cyp3a4 inhibiiton)- if clarithromycin/ erythromycin is taken with atorvastatin (avoid concurrent use with antiotibs-moderately metabolized/ simvastatin (Severely metabolised-if antibiotic cant be stopped-stop treatment with simvbastatin during course) -Theophylline- erythromycin increased plasma concentration and theophylline can reduced absorption of oral erythromycin -Warfarin- unpredictable- effects of warfarin may be increased by macrolides -CCBs-amlodipine cap does of simvastatin at 20mg- increased risk of hypotension -Antidiabetic drugs & Insulin- clarithromycin & antidiabetic drugs (SU/Isulin)- Severe risk of hypoglyceamia

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