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Positive effects of climate change outweigh the negative impacts of climate change. Do you agree? (6 marks)

Author: yxng.edxn

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Climate change is the global climate changing abnormally compared to previous years and ages. I think that positive climate change impacts don't outweigh negative impacts because we've been able to live almost problem free without new changes due to climate change. The benefits of climate change is new aqua trade routes due to rising sea levels, due to melting glaciers and ice caps, and the growth of grapes in Northern Europe and less energy consumption due to warmer weather for longer periods of time. However, more problems have been created globally. For example, flooding in areas over the world because of the rising sea levels, and famines or droughts due to the hot weather. The lives of people have been affected and are even at risk, whereas these problems weren't as prevalent before climate change, showing that its made society worse.

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