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Analitika NPN i vode

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Jonska aktivnost - šta je, značaj

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1. jonska aktivnost ima specifičnu termodinamičku definiciju, ali uglavnom je to koncentracija slobodnog jona u u rastvoru 2. Ne miješati ativnost jona i koeficijent aktivnosti! Aktivnost jona je koncentracija x, koeficijent aktivnosti y (gama) ?????? ZNAČAJ: U ISE se mjeri jonska aktivnost. What is ISE potential? An ion-selective electrode (ISE), also known as a specific ion electrode (SIE), is a transducer (or sensor) that converts the activity of a specific ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential. The voltage is theoretically dependent on the logarithm of the ionic activity, according to the Nernst equation.

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