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Politics A-Level United Kingdom (DONE!!!!!)

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How has Prime Ministers acted like Presidents in British Politics?

Author: eric_galvao


-Election Campaigns have started to become Personalised with PM being the Focal point. Theresa May had hers about a 'Strong and Stable Leadership' -PM creates Space between themselves and other Institutions even their Cabinet, Parliament and Party. This is Spatial Leadership. Cameron personalised himself as a Moderniser, trying to Reform the Stuffy Party via Legalising gay Marriage (eg) -PM more Reliant on their Advisors, such as a US President. In Johnson's First Year, Dominic Cummings a Senior Advisor had Huge Influence over Government -Prime Ministers want to Act Independently in Foreign Affairs and not allow Parliament getting in the way. May used Prerogative in 2018 Syrian Bombings to act Separately from Parliament (by not seeking Approval

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