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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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Brief go through the Development of the Amendments to the USCON

Author: eric_galvao


-Bill of Rights (1-10) protects Freedoms such as Speech, Religion and from Cruel and Unusual Punishments. And reserves all other Powers not mentioned in the USCON to the States -12th, 20th, 22nd, 25th clarifies the Presidential Election and Succession Procedures -13rd-15th: The Civil War Amendments. Ensures that Freed Slaves are treated Equally under the Constitution -16th: Allows Congress to Raise Income tax, and the Only Amendment to Overturn a SCOTUS ruling -17th: Changes the role of Senator to being Electable and not Appointed -18th: Banned the Production and Sale of Alcohol. -21st: Overturned the 18th -19th & 26th: Changed Voting Requirements, removed Gender Requirements and lowered the Voting Age to 18

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