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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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How has the Relationship, after the 3 SCOTUS rulings between 1810-1824, changed between the Fed Gov and State Gov?

Author: eric_galvao


-Dual Federalism: 1787-1930s. This had State and Federal Governments have roughly Equal Amounts of Power in Different Areas. States could run their own Domestic Affairs -Cooperative Federalism: 1930s-1960s. Division between the Fed and State Government became Harder to Distinguish thanks to the New Deal and FDR. The Great Depression and the Second World War needed Fed Intervention in previous State Policy -New Federalism: 1960s-now. Attempts for Power that the FED took and return back to the States -Now: The Relationship has gotten so Complex and Flexible that not a single Theory can accurately Describe what is Going on

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