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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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What are the Different Impacts that the UKCON and USCON have?

Author: eric_galvao


-US Politics in the 21st Century has encouraged Hyper-Partisanship, but the Constitution encourages Bipartisanship. The UK Government though can get a Majority which means it doesn't need to work with the Other Parties -Rights in the US are better Protected as the USCON is Sovereign. SCOTUS however can Politicise them. In Britain, a new statute law can Remove the Rights, but an Independent Judiciary can Challenge the Government better. The nature of Devolution in the UK has given Third Parties a chance to Succeed at the Local Level: Lib Dems in the Council Elections. But in the USA, even at the Local Level, the Republicans and Democrats are usually Dominate. -Some of the Undemocratic Elements of the UKCON is being Reformed, while the USCON such as the Electoral College still Remains and probably will not change Ever

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