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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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Which Concurrent Powers does Congress have? (Both the House and the Senate)

Author: eric_galvao


-Legislation: Article I gives all Legislative Power to Congress. Both Chambers's approval is needed for any Legislation to be given to the President. Congress can Amend, and reject Presidential Blocks. 2017 saw the American Healthcare Act (trying to reform Obamacare) which was accepted by the House, but Blocked by the Senate -Amending the USCON: Power here is shared between Congress and the States. 2/3 of each Chamber is needed for an Amendment to be considered -Declare War: Ambiguity lies here, because of the President being the Commander-in-chief. But the Founding Fathers gave Congress the power to begin Military Conflicts. 1942 was the last time this happened, with the Declaration of War against Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania.

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