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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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Why is the Incumbency re-election rate so high?

Author: eric_galvao


-The Winner-takes-all Electoral System (FPTP) creates safe seats. This means the person in office will always be likely to get Re-Elected as they represent the party with Dominant Support. An example is Don Young, who has been in the House since 1973, until he died in 2022. Alaska has only voted for Republican candidates for the 21st Century -Being an Incumbent gives them advantages that Political rivals can not enjoy. Incumbents have more name recognition, leading to more media coverage and effective campaigns. Furthermore, the use of pork-barrel legislation allows for benefiting their constituencies when a congressional bill is being discussed. -How easy it is for money to be raised when you're an incumbent Senator or House member, which in turn, helps how effective the campaign can be. -Gerrymandering: A party in control of the State Legislature can draw up Congressional district boundaries for their State. The Dominant Party can thus maximize its winning chances by Manipulating the borders. This makes the House incumbency re-election rates High.

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