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Politics A-Level: Ideologies (DONEEEEE)

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Why did the Labour Party in the UK represent Reformist Socialism? -How does this link with their View on the State?

Author: eric_galvao


-In the Later Part of the 19th Century when the Economic and Social Positions of the Workers Improved, they (not yet) would get the Vote and be more integrated into Society through other measures, like Trade Unions -A Socialist Party, Labour, thus would be Created to Attract the support of Newer Voters and also the working class due to its pledges of Equality -The Working Class would become the Majority of the Electorate, and the Socialist Party would be in Power and use the Neutral State to create a Socialist Society. Thus, they disagree with Marxists that the State is a tool for the Bourgeois and it can be Moulded to Fulfil any Role assigned to it by Those in Power

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