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Politics A-Level: Ideologies (DONEEEEE)

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Is the Third Way even a Stand of Socialism?

Author: eric_galvao


-Arguably, it can be a form of Modern Liberalism, as it takes a more Pragmatic Approach to Socialism and Embraces Free Market Capitalism and Public-Private Partnerships -Third Way Supporters do want a Limited Welfare State, with a 'Hand up not hand out' Philosophy and this was in Response to the Decline in Working Class in Britain. Also, the need to get Elected -In a way, the Third Way is more Pragmatic than Ideological, as it Realised Globalisation made it Difficult to Reject Free Markets, as Firms would just Move Away. So they just accepted it. -However, there is a Clear Support for Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion in the Third Way. They do Embody Socialist Values. Furthermore, they are Fully Supportive of Individualism, and can be seen as Communitarian, as they focus on Communities and Citizenship

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