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4 types of variability to improve customer experience service

Author: liv da


Arrival  When all order to be picked in a warehouse supplying finished goods to a customer arrive mostly Friday afternoon. This happens because the customer only processes the order on a weekly fixed timetable. This results in the warehouse being quiet during the normally cheaper labour hour hire times of the week (Monday to Friday) and then very busy during the normally more expensive labour hour hire times of the weekend. The cost efficiency is affected by this variability Request  When a customer requests a differentiated service lead-time delivery; in other words, they might want the supplier to give them faster delivery options. This could be easy to execute, but for large organisations it will mean system changes, accounting changes, specialised assets and new staff training. Capability  refers to the customers’ ability to carry out tasks needed to receive service. Effort  Where the customer expends varying degrees of energy on tasks needed to receive service.

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liv da
liv da