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Microbial Adaptations

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What are the 3 ways that a bacteria can get resistance

DNA from a exogenous source, Random mutations for evolutionary changes, re-arrangement of DNA

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11 questions
What are the 3 ways that a bacteria can get resistance
DNA from a exogenous source, Random mutations for evolutionary changes, re-arrangement of DNA
Name the 3 horizontal transmissions
Transduction, Conjugation and Transformation
What is the meaning of cross-resistance, co-resistance and co-selection
Cross-resistance - a single resistance mechanism that cancels out a whole antibiotic class Co-resistance - presence of resistance of multiple antibiotic classes in one bacterial strain Co-selection - a selection of multiple antibiotic resistant genes when one gene of these genes are selected
What are the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
Modifying the drug target Inactivating the drug Efflux pumps - which detoxifys the bacteria by pumping out the chemicals which are toxic Spontaneous mutations Enzymes that can breakdown the drug
TB is caused by what bacterium
Mycobacterium tubercolosis, gram +ive and rod shaped
What are treatments of TB
Antibiotic program for 9 months BCG vaccine
Definition of Microbial Adaptation
The ability of microbes to endure the selective pressures of their envionment
What is conjugation
It is done by bacteria to bacteria contact done by the pilus which forms a tube for contact Then a factor opens up the plasmid and is cut at the origin of replication which enters the other cell and then both cells start making the plasmid using a complementary strand so that both bacteria have full plasmid
What is transduction
Uses a bacteriophage to transfer genetic information since they can integrate DNA into the host's genome leading to resistance
What is transformation
When a bacteria dies, it releases its free DNA which other bacteria have mechanisms to pick up these genetic information leading to resistance