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243 questions
🇪🇸 | 🇪🇸 |
Kindle | Encender |
Clingy | Dependiente |
Floorboards | Tablas del suelo |
Chummy | Amigable |
Conceit | Vanidad |
Soar | Elevarse |
Grasp | Captar |
Thud | Golpe seco |
Tummy | Barriga |
Gnawing | Royendo |
Hectic | Ajetreado |
Enticing | Tentador |
Fend off | Defenderse de |
Budget | Presupuesto |
Defecting | Desertando |
Departing | Departiendo |
Withdrawing | Retirando |
Retail | Minorista |
Retrace | Volver sobre |
Unfasten | Desabrochar |
Boundary | Frontera |
Proctored | Supervisado |
Bundle | Conjunto |
Ledge | Cornisa |
Cozy | Acogedor |
Blithe | Despreocupado |
Cartridges | Cartuchos |
Knot | Nudo |
Solitude | Soledad |
Emboldened | Envalentonado |
Bloat | Hincharse |
Shrink | Psiquiatra |
Thwart | Impedir |
Rake | Rastrillo |
Flabbergasted | Atonito |
Caveat | Salvedad |
Notwithstanding | Pese a |
Constrain | Restringir |
Nuances | Matices |
Gauges | Indicadores |
Nettles | Ortigas |
Enhanced | Mejorado |
Decoy | Señuelo |
Drought | Sequia |
Amusing | Entretenido |
Tipped off | Avisó a |
Take a squirt | Hechar una meada |
Stashed | Escondido |
Jinxed | Mala suerte |
Hurl | Vomitar |
Corollary | Colorario |
Ubiquitous | Omnipresente |
Tantamount | Equivale |
Nail on the head | Dedo en la llaga |
Iffy | Dudoso |
Tidy | Ordenado |
Sacred | Sagrado |
Spouses | Conyuges |
Loose | Flojo |
Dandling | Colgando |
Earbud | Auricular |
Hushed | Silencioso |
Forlorn | Desamparado |
Soared | Se disparó |
Threads | Hilos |
Bullish | Optimista |
Ravages | Estragos |
Unveil | Desvelar |
Lull | Tregua |
Flicker | Parpadeo |
Plodded | Caminó |
Wafted | Colaba |
Dazzling | Deslumbrante |
Glittering | Resplandeciente |
Beet | Remolacha |
Tangent | Tangente |
Flicker of hope | Destello de esperanza |
Lurched | Se tambaleó |
Cliques | Pandillas |
Beet red | Rojo de remolacha |
Industrious | Laborioso |
Grumpy | Malhumorado |
Wove | Tejieron |
Crossly | Cruzadamente |
Obnoxious | Detestable |
Fad | Moda pasajera |
Thrilled | Emocionado |
Grating | Rejilla |
Pitying | Sentir lastima por |
Commuter | De cercanias |
Shuttered | Cerrado |
Throngs | Multitud |
Stifling | Sofocante |
Wondrous | Maravilloso |
Corkscrew | Sacacorchos |
Gash | Tajo |
Howling | Aullando |
Wrench | Llave inglesa |
Hounding | Acosando |
Tender kiss | Beso tierno |