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Ethical Egoism

In English

Created by:
Anita Okunde

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What book did Max Stirner write?

"The ego and its own"

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25 questions
What is psychological egoism?
This type of egoism looks at the way people behave and argues even the most altruistic things are done for your own self interest
What is ethical egoism?
Agent focused ethic based on self interest as supposed to altruism
What is psychological egoism?
This type of egoism looks at the way people behave and argues even the most altruistic things are done for your own self interest
What types of egoism are there?
Ethical egoism and psychological egoism
What is ethical egoism?
Agent focused ethic based on self interest as supposed to altruism
Who was Max Stirner?
Best known for his contribution and support of egoism and anarchism.
What are is a quote he says about ethical egoism?
"The egoist ... wants to develop only himself"
What is another quote used by Stirner to describe egoism?
"I the egoist have not at heart the welfare of this 'human society' I sacrifice nothing to it"
How does rational egoism clash with an instrumental theory of rationality
Instrumental theory of rationality claims acting to maximise the likelihood of things you want coming true. This is problematic in cases of suicide.
What are the arguments to support egoism?
Non absolute, consistent with human nature, best outcome for individual in every situation.
What is psychological egoism?
According to psychological egoism everyone acts only in self interest,even when actions seem altruistic
What is rational egoism?
It claims that it is rational and logical to act in your self interest.
What are the arguments against it?
Immoral acts, lacks objectivity and form of bigotry
What is psychological egoism?
This type of egoism looks at the way people behave and argues even the most altruistic things are done for your own self interest
What are the claims of psychological egoism?
We do act in our own self interest, motivated by our own concerns. There is no such thing as altruism. We are not free to act any other way
How do the claims of ethical egoism contrast to psychological egoism?
We ought to act only according to our own concerns and to further our own cause. Altruistic type acts should be avoided unless they are in our own self interest. We act wrongly when we act against our self interest
What did Stirner claim?
We are slaves to other interests such as duty, guilt, or conscience. We are deceived into believing it is in our self interest to obey those interests
What did Stirner say about the ego?
The ego is a slave to obligation
What did Stirner say about recognising your ownness?
Freedom comes when I recognise my ownness or authority over myself
When is ownness realised according to Stirner?
Ownness is realised by understanding that our uniqueness gives us power to make our own decisions
What are union of egoists?
The idea of people cooperating to preserve their own identity and further their self interests
Why could ethical egoism lead to a destruction of community ethos?
Laws benefit the majority and guard against exploitation. Although Stirner avoids anarchy he does suggest the state will fall apart once ethical egoism is realised. By replacing community with the union of egos you are replacing one establishment with another. Ethical egoism doesn’t seem to have a solution for when people’s self interest contrast
Why could ethical egoism lead to social injustice occurring?
By only following your self interest, We will see a higher clash in self interest which ethical egoism doesn’t give a clear way to resolve. It could be in my self interest to have an ice cream even if it is the last one and someone else wants an ice cream
Why could ethical egoism lead to a form of bigotry?
If we pursue only our self interest it leaves us open to judge other egos with different self interests than our own. Ethical egoism divides the world into two categories; ourselves and everyone else, with our own self interests being superior to others