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Human bio- Biotechnology

In English

Created by:
Chelsey Louise

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transgenic organism

when a gene from one organism is inserted into the chromosomes of another organism -new genes passed onto the next generation

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5 questions
Transgenic organism
When a gene from one organism is inserted into the chromosomes of another organism -new genes passed onto the next generation
Key breakthroughs leading to recomnbinant DNA
Restriction enzymes (cut) DNA ligase (DNA joining enzyme) (glue)
Restriction enzymes -overveiw + cut patterns
Cut DNA across double helix each enzyme has a specific recognition site cuts hydrogen bonds blunt ends, sticky ends
Creating recombinant DNA steps:
1. gene of interest isolated and cut w/ restriction enzyme 2. bacteria plasmid or phage vector also cut 3. plasmid and gene mixed in solution 4. DNA ligase added to join sticky ends of plasmid and gene 5. new recombinant vector inserted into the host cell (bacterium, fungus, or animal cell) 6. host replicates, replicating plasmid as well.
RDNA uses
Artificially manufacture proteins ie insulin, gh, fsh manufacture vaccines ie hep b vaccine gene therapy