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tasted by edges of the tongue ,. H+ions bind to K+channels, blocking them, and preventing K+from leaving the cell resulting in depolarization


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22 questions
Taste From anterior 2/3 of the tongue are carried by the
Chorda tympani nerve (branch of the facial nerve).
First order neurons of Gustatory Pathway
From the taste buds to the gustatory nucleus (nucleus solitarius)
Second order neurons of Gustatory Pathway
From the gustatory nucleus (nucleus solitarius) to ipsilateral medial lemniscus and pass directly to the (VPMNT)
Olfactory Mucosa innervated by
Olfactory (cranial I) nerve& trigeminal
1storder neuron The Olfactory Pathways
Olfactory receptors pass through the cribriform plate to end in the glomeruli in the olfactory bulb.
2ndorder neurons in The Olfactory Pathways
Mitral and tufted cells present in the olfactory bulbs that leaves the bulb to the olfactory cortex
Responsible for the conscious perception of olfaction i.e. analysis, interpretation and significance of the odour
The dorsomedial thalamic nucleusand that project to the orbitofrontal cortex