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Ludus 36 to 45

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Learn English From Latin

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Andrew Garlick

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recognōscō, recognōscere (3), recognōvī, recognitus


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Ludus 36 to 45 - Details



68 questions
Īnsigne, īnsignis, n.
Badge, mark, decoration; (pl.) insignia
Certē (adverb)
Surely, certainly
Graviter (adverb)
Heavily, seriously, severely, deeply
Gravis, grave
Heavy, serious, severe
Than (in comparisons)
Juvenis, juvenis, (juvenum), c.
Young, man, young woman, youth
Certus, -a, -um
Sure, certain, definite
Fortis, forte
Brave, strong
Jūdicium, -iī, n.
Judgment, decision
Sapientia, -ae, f.
Wisdom, prudence
Easily, readily
Accipiō, accipere (3), accēpī, acceptus
Receive; perceive, learn, suffer
Sentiō, sentīre (4), sēnsī, sēnsus
Realize, feel, perceive, believe
Causa, -ae, f
Cause, reason
Scelus, sceleris, n.
Crime, wickedness;
Cornū, cornūs, n.
Horn, wing (of an army)
Signum, -ī, n.
Signal, (military) standard; statue
Vīs, vīs, f.
Force, violence; (plur.) vīrēs, vīrium – strength, power
Maestus, -a, -um
Sad, gloomy
Imperātum, -ī, n.
Command, order
Voluntās, voluntātis, f.
Wish, desire, will
Trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī, trānsitum
Go across, cross (+ Accus. direct object)
Manus, manūs, f.
Hand; band (of people)
Nōbilis, nōbile
Noble, well-born;