Ludus 36 to 45
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Īnsigne, īnsignis, n. | Badge, mark, decoration; (pl.) insignia |
Odium, odiī, n. | Hatred |
Certē (adverb) | Surely, certainly |
Graviter (adverb) | Heavily, seriously, severely, deeply |
Aperiō, aperīre (4), aperuī, apertus | Open, reveal, uncover |
Gravis, grave | Heavy, serious, severe |
Quam | Than (in comparisons) |
Dēsistō, dēsistere (3), dēstitī, dēstitum | Stop, cease |
Juvenis, juvenis, (juvenum), c. | Young, man, young woman, youth |
Rēgia, -ae, f. | Palace |
Certus, -a, -um | Sure, certain, definite |
Difficilis, difficile | Difficult |
Facilis, facile | Easy |
Facile (adv.) | Easily |
Fortis, forte | Brave, strong |
Conveniō, convenīre (4), convēnī, conventum | Come together, assemble, gather |
Jūdicium, -iī, n. | Judgment, decision |
Jūdex, jūdicis, m. | Judge, juror |
Mālum, -ī, n. | Apple |
Potentia, -ae, f. | Power |
Quī, quae, quod | Who, which |
Sapientia, -ae, f. | Wisdom, prudence |
Facile | Easily, readily |
Accipiō, accipere (3), accēpī, acceptus | Receive; perceive, learn, suffer |
Crēdō, crēdere (3), crēdidī, crēditus | Believe, trust (+ dat.) |
Discēdō, discēdere (3), discessī, discessum | Depart, leave |
Ostendō, ostendere (3), ostendī, ostentus | Show, display, reveal |
Sentiō, sentīre (4), sēnsī, sēnsus | Realize, feel, perceive, believe |
Causa, -ae, f | Cause, reason |
Pōnō, pōnere (3), posuī, positus | Place, put |
Sciō, scīre (4), scīvī, scītus | Know, be aware |
Scelus, sceleris, n. | Crime, wickedness; |
Dēserō, dēserere (3), dēseruī, dēsertus | Abandon, desert |
Trahō, trahere (3), traxī, tractus | Drag, pull |
Cōnspectus, cōnspectūs, m. | Sight, view |
Cornū, cornūs, n. | Horn, wing (of an army) |
Impetus, impetūs, m. | Attack; |
Signum, -ī, n. | Signal, (military) standard; statue |
Celer, celeris, celere | Quick, swift |
Tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē | You (s.) |
Vīs, vīs, f. | Force, violence; (plur.) vīrēs, vīrium – strength, power |
Adversus, -a, -um (adj. + Dat.) | Unfavorable, opposed |
Maestus, -a, -um | Sad, gloomy |
Secundus, -a, -um (adj. + Dat.) | Second, favorable |
Conjiciō, conjicere (3), conjēcī, conjectus | Throw, hurl |
Perveniō, pervenīre (4), pervēnī, perventum | Arrive at, reach (+ ad + acc.) |
Putō, putāre (1), putāvī, putātus | Think, consider |
Regō, regere (3), rēxī, rēctus | Direct, guide, rule |
Imperātum, -ī, n. | Command, order |
Voluntās, voluntātis, f. | Wish, desire, will |
Abeō, abīre, abiī, abitum | Go away, leave |
Adeō, adīre, adiī aditum | Go to(ward) |
Occīdō, occīdere (3), occīdī, occīsus | Kill, slay, slaughter |
Redeō, redīre, rediī, reditum | Go back, return |
Trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī, trānsitum | Go across, cross (+ Accus. direct object) |
Manus, manūs, f. | Hand; band (of people) |
Nōbilis, nōbile | Noble, well-born; |