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Media 1

In English


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The idea that the media is 'injecting' ideas into people's heads. suggesting that suggestible people (woman, lower class, young people) would behave inappropriately if unsuitably stimulated.

What is the hypodermic model?

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17 questions
Media propaganda in Nazi Germany in WW2, 'War of the Airwaves'
What is an example of the hypodermic model?
Joseph Geobbels
Who was a prominent figure in war of the airwaves?
Media has important persuasive significance.
What did Joseph Geobbels believe?
McCombs and Shaw
Who in 1972 believes that media influenced voters perceptions?
Hall. We decode and recode media in our own way. Eg perceiving stories in our own way.
What is ‘encoding and decoding’ and who is associated with it?
It's not 'what media do to people' but 'what people do with media'
What did Bulmer and Katz say about use and gratifications?
Barthes 1968
Who said ‘A texts unity lies not in it’s origin but in it’s destination’?