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Physical Education - Leaderboard
Physical Education - Details
13 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
What does MMFABS stand for? | M uscular endurance M uscular strength F lexibility A reobic endurance B ody composition S peed |
What does FITT stand for? | F requency I ntenstity T ype T ime |
What does CRABP stand for? | C o-ordiantion R eaction Time A gility B alance P ower |
Active Stretching | The performer works on one joint, pushing it beyond its point of resistance. |
Passive Stretching | When the performer uses someone else or a piece of equipment to help stretch. |
Ballistic Stretching | Involves performing a stretch with swinging or bouncing |
Involves performing a stretch with swinging or bouncing | Ballistic Stretching |
PNF Stretching | Performer stretches to their maximum range, then a partner pushes that limit for 6-10 seconds. |
Performer stretches to their maximum range, then a partner pushes that limit for 6-10 seconds. | PNF Stretching |
Calculation for HR Max | 220 - age (in years) |
RPE Scale | 6 - 20 effort scale (6 is rest, 20 is max effort) |