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level: One Nation Conservatism

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level questions: One Nation Conservatism

Where did One Nation Conservatism come about?-This form is often Linked to Benjamin Disraeli. A Pragmatist, who recognised the Growing Support of Socialism was sweeping through Europe in the 19th Century and thus he aimed to Attract the Vote of the Newly Enfranchised Working Classes to Prevent this -Disraeli in his Novels wrote of the Growing divisions between the Rich and Poor due to Industrialisation and capitalism. Cameron's Big Society Speech and changing the Image of the Conservative Party also can be Traced to One Nation Conservatism
What did One Nation try and Attempt with the Ideology-It aimed to bring Individualism and Collectivism together, as well as Update Conservatism from the Rise of Capitalism. This shows the Pragmatism of Conservatism at full Force, reacting to the New Forces of Democracy and Capitalism, and Adapting the Ideology
What does One Nation say about Organic Society and Laissez-Faire Economics?-Rejects Laissez Faire Economics to Capitalism and Individualism and rather goes for a more Collective Approach - Organic Society -Everyone is part of a Larger Whole, as each person has Duties and Responsibilities to everyone else. The Social inequality and Poverty from Excess Capitalism are Problems of all Citizens, not just the Poor -However, they are not opposed to Class Structure, as well that's Rooted in Hierarchy and Organic Society -Disraeli realised how Awful the Working Conditions were during the Rapid Industrialisation, and so, Social Reform was needed to Protect and Conserve Hierarchy and the State. Reform was carried out to ensure the Poor no longer Threatened Chaos
How does One Nation combat Socialism?-Redistribution of Wealth to make Equality is not the Aim of One Nation Conservatives, but rather, they want Paternalism. Those at the Top have a duty for those below - noblesse oblige. This could be laws such as Limiting Working Hours or Expanding Primary education -Concerns for the Poor and Unemployment is Critical to Understanding One Nation Conservatism, and led to Divisions during Thatchers Cabinet, with Thatcher saying those who disagreed with her as 'wet'
What does One Nation say about Tradition?-In order to Prevent Divisions of a Nation into Haves and Have nots, Disraeli argued for Institutions like the Monarchy and the Church could be used to Unite the Nation and allow Shared Experiences. Again this ties in with Organic Society
Why was One Nation Conservatism Strong during the 20th Century?-The early 20th century saw Huge Working Class Movements, and One Nation Addressed issues such as Poverty, Living Conditions and Social Mobility to allow Social Order -After WW2 there was Consensus for a Mixed Economy, Welfare State, and some State Intervention to allow Social Justice -Pragmatism took hold, allowing a more Flexible Conservative Movement. They would allow change if it benefited both Social Cohesion and the National Interests. -Figures like Harold Macmillan supported Policies of Expanding Housing, Education and Social Services, whilst also allowing Free Enterprise and Economic Prudence -In all, One Nation conservatism gave a Moderate, Centrist Ideology to the UK, and protected it from the Extremes of Fascism or Communism