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Politics A-Level: Ideologies (DONEEEEE)

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Why was One Nation Conservatism Strong during the 20th Century?

Author: eric_galvao


-The early 20th century saw Huge Working Class Movements, and One Nation Addressed issues such as Poverty, Living Conditions and Social Mobility to allow Social Order -After WW2 there was Consensus for a Mixed Economy, Welfare State, and some State Intervention to allow Social Justice -Pragmatism took hold, allowing a more Flexible Conservative Movement. They would allow change if it benefited both Social Cohesion and the National Interests. -Figures like Harold Macmillan supported Policies of Expanding Housing, Education and Social Services, whilst also allowing Free Enterprise and Economic Prudence -In all, One Nation conservatism gave a Moderate, Centrist Ideology to the UK, and protected it from the Extremes of Fascism or Communism

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