What is the function of the Pituitary Gland?
Author: Nicky
The pituitary gland is called the "Master Gland" because it directs a multitude of endocrine functions in the body. It’s the size of a pea and is situated in a bony hollow, just behind the bridge of the nose. Attached to the base of the brain by a thin stalk. It regulates hormone activity in other endocrine glands and organs. The hypothalamus is the control centre for the pituitary gland, by sending messages or signals to the pituitary in the form of hormones which travel via the bloodstream and nerves down the pituitary stalk. These signals, in turn, control the production and release of further hormones from the pituitary gland which signal other glands and organs in the body. The pituitary gland has two parts. The anterior (or front) pituitary produces hormones that affect the breasts, adrenals, thyroid, ovaries and testes, as well as several other hormones. The main glands affected by the posterior (or rear) pituitary are the kidneys. Controls the following:- growth / blood pressure / stimulation of uterine contractions during childbirth / breast milk production / sex organ functions in women and men / thyroid gland function / metabolism / water regulation in the body / Temperature regulation / Pain Relief.
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