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AP Art History Unit 1 Review

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Although many theories exist to explain the overlapping forms of the animals in the Great Hall of the Bulls at Lascaux, some scholars have interpreted the repeated images as evidence of: - physical challenges, because the artists were painting in total darkness before the invention of oil lamps - funerary practices, since each animal appears to mark the grave of a different individual - continuous narration, with the forms being repeated to show an ongoing sequence of events - ritual activity, perhaps to ensure successful hunting of the animals depicted on the cave walls

Author: R2D2Cheesecake

Although many theories exist to explain the overlapping forms of the animals in the Great Hall of the Bulls at Lascaux, some scholars have interpreted the repeated images as evidence of:

- physical challenges, because the artists were painting in total darkness before the invention of oil lamps
- funerary practices, since each animal appears to mark the grave of a different individual 
- continuous narration, with the forms being repeated to show an ongoing sequence of events
- ritual activity, perhaps to ensure successful hunting of the animals depicted on the cave walls


Ritual activity, perhaps to ensure successful hunting of the animals depicted on the cave walls

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