What are the essentials of life skills?
Author: funlynry GalquotesAnswer:
Life skills has basically seven essentials; Focus and self control, perspective taking, communication, making connections, critical thinking, taking on challenges and self-directed, engaged learning. Stay on as we go into depth of these essentials. As you learn and understand life skills, you will realise that the seven essentials fall in all the topics you're to learn about. Then again realise that each essential needs the other essential for the better. During the study. You will realise that communication needs perspective taking, critical thinking, making connections, focus and self control and still all the rest of the other essential at most. I shall go broadly through each essential for you to understand them. The major keys to understand life skills is to understand its essentials. These will provide a quick understanding of each topic of the course. You will realise that each essential means alot to us in life. Without them, we are nothing. These essentials are the success we all need. I will expand them to the way we live in life to realise what we do and how we behave
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funlynry Galquotes