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What is a strength of CBT?

Author: (Pippa) Pippa Holloway


-CBT there is reserach support which supports the effectivness of CBT for treating depression -March: examined 327 adolescents with a diagonsis of depression and looked at the effectives of CBT, antidepressants, and treatment with a combination of CBT and antiepressants -After 36 weeks, 81% of the antidepressant group and 81% of the CBT group has significantly improved. However, 86% of the CBT with antidepressant group had significantly improved. Means that CBT in combiantion with antidepressants allows for significant improvement seeing as CBT tackles the 'nuture' side of depression and antidepressants tackle the 'nature' side. -Showing that CBT and antidepressants can be seen as an interactionist approach as it provides a more effective treatment

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