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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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What does the Number of State and Local Governments do to USA in terms of Federalism?

Author: eric_galvao


-Rights of Citizens are Different between each State. The Legal Driving Age, Age of Consent, or the Right to use Marijuana. -Criminal Punishment differs between the States. 25 States have the Death Penalty as a Legal Form of Punishment with 5 Different Execution Methods -Elections run to State rules. Some States use Punch cards, other uses Electronic Voting. The Different practices between the States during COVID-19 led to Election Controversy in 2020 -Taxes differ Greatly across America. Sales Tax, Income Tax, and Property Tax are examples. -Judicially, the Court System is different in each State, and they have used the Federal Court to Challenge their Rights. The States have fought with SCOTUS over Immigration, Gerrymandering and Abortion -Some Federal Policies like Obamacare require State Enforcement for Effective Results. This can lead to Differences in the States rights

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